1.Create a Site
2.Upload This In Cpanel o Import Website
3.If unziped Than Create a Datebase.
4.Go To phpmyadmin.
5.Import The .sql File inside of this .zip file.
5.Now go to yoursite.ext/install.php
6.Import you Datebase Deteails
7.Now install.
8.GO to yousite.ext/install.php?s=3 and Fill Admin Log&Pass.
9.And complite The install.
10.Your install is complite now register a new a/c in your site.
11.Now again Go to phpmyadmin and go to busers file and view the rows and delete the first a/c which u have fill in /install.php?s=3 .
12.Go to secend a/c which u have register in you site.
13.Edit This
a. Uid=1
b. Parmisition=6
c. User Rank= Head Admin.
14.Save This.
15.Delete Install.php
Don't Work